Travel with comfort
Secure your seat to NYSC camp with ease!
Join our community to book your NYSC bus straight to camp with Enjoy safe, reliable, and convenient transport to all NYSC camps across Nigeria.
Why choose intercityNG for
your NYSC bus booking?
Safe and Reliable Transport
Travel with peace of mind knowing you are in safe hands.
Convenient Booking
Easily book your bus online, saving you time and effort.
Comfortable Travel
Enjoy comfortable and well-maintained vehicles for a pleasant journey.
Nationwide Coverage
We provide transport services to all NYSC camps across Nigeria.
Affordable Rates
Get the best value for your money with our competitive pricing.
Frequently asked questions
How do I know the departure time?
Once you book your seat, we will send you an email with all the details including the departure time.
What if my travel plans change?
Is there a limit to the luggage I can bring?